Marriage Myths Abound! Did you think any of these were true?

By Pastor Kim Witcher

The Bible says in Mark, “What God has joined together let no one separate.” If he’s working in your relationship and revealed to you both that marriage is in your future, don’t delay his call in your life together. Are any of these marriage myths holding you back? Read on to learn more!

Jump to a Myth:

Myth: Getting married is extremely expensive.

According to The Knot, the average American couple will spend $28,000 on their wedding. Seems pretty steep! How is this a myth? Glad you asked! First things first, this is an average number, which can be highly misleading – thrown off by couples with six-figure budgets. There are many tricks to throwing a wonderful wedding at a fraction of this price. But more importantly... this is the cost of a wedding, not a marriage!
The cost of to get married in Texas is $60-$85 for the marriage license. If you’re someone who’s ready to be married but waiting to save for your dream wedding – consider a smaller shindig with immediate family and save up money with your (new!) spouse for the marriage celebration of your dreams later. Don’t put off getting married because of the cost of a celebration!

Ready to tie the knot? We have a (no cost) opportunity for you to get married by Pastor Jimmy Evans in Amarillo, TX on November 5, 2022! Don’t let anything hold you back from the unique calling God has designed for your lives together. If you’re interested in learning more about this unique opportunity fill out the short form below.

Myth: I must ____ before I can get married.

Couples put off marriage for any number of reasons, thinking they..

  • must be at least X years old...
  • must have dated for X amount of time...
  • must be out of debt...
  • must have enough money for a dream wedding...
  • must finish school...
  • must lose X pounds...
  • must own a house..
  • must be established in my career...

before they can get married. Other reasons might go deeper, such as seeking reconciliation with a parent, waiting for a clean bill of health for you or a loved one, or completing some emotional healing before stepping into marriage. None of these are inherently wrong or bad. However, you want to be sure (1) you have clear boundaries and you’re not making moral compromises while you wait, and (2) your reason for waiting is just that – a reason, not an excuse. While the idea of a marital commitment is a major life decision – it’s also a beautiful one. Ask yourself: Is this worth delaying God’s best plan for us and our future together?
“So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God.” (1 Corinthians 7:24 ESV)

Are you and your significant ready to step into God’s plan for your lives? We have an opportunity for you to get married by Pastor Jimmy Evans in Amarillo, TX on November 5, 2022! If you’re interested in learning more about this unique opportunity fill out the short form below.

Myth: Living together is an important step before marriage.

The concept seems simple: Moving in together is a smaller, generally cost-effective, pre-step in the relationship that doesn’t require the commitment of marriage and gives the couple a chance to see if they would be domestically compatible. However, modern research gives reason to question the perceived merits, finding that couples who cohabitate are more likely to experience less marital satisfaction, more negative communication, and greater potential for divorce once married.
One study found that “convenience” was a primary drive for cohabitation and that couples experienced more negative communication, less dedication to the relationship, higher levels of attachment insecurity, and more experiences of depression and anxiety than married couples that did not cohabitate. This is a particularly harmful myth! Most couples move in together believing it is a healthy way to test their relationship when it’s likely to cause emotional pain and potentially even the dissolution of the relationship altogether. If you’re living with your partner – there IS hope for your future marriage! But don’t put off marriage any longer.

Are you and your significant ready to step into God’s plan for your lives? We have an opportunity for you to get married by Pastor Jimmy Evans in Amarillo, TX on November 5, 2022! If you’re interested in learning more about this unique opportunity fill out the short form below.

Myth: Marriage is just a piece of paper.

That’s kind of like saying money is just a piece of paper! Technically? True! But that piece of paper is imbued with meaning and value. Legal marriage and making a covenant before God to love and serve each other is one of the most important and impactful decisions you will ever make! Your marriage covenant (or promise) is what unlocks the full potential of God’s calling on your life, your spouse’s life, and your God-given purpose together.
Sex is a healthy part of life! The Bible instructs us that sex outside of marriage is not God’s plan. Sex within a married relationship allows greater sexual freedom with one another because trust and commitment are the foundation of your sexual relationship. There’s no Bible-backed “marriage alternative” such as living together or domestic partnerships that can create the solid foundation you and your partner fundamentally need to have a great sex life that’s honoring of one another.
In God’s design, men and women are different. Men were created with a strong need for sex. Women were created with a strong drive for security. When couples are having sex outside of the covenant of marriage, the man’s needs are getting met while the woman’s need for security is being denied. This creates a tension that greatly impedes the quality of the relationship.

Are you and your significant ready to step into God’s plan for your lives? We have an opportunity for you to get married by Pastor Jimmy Evans in Amarillo, TX on November 5, 2022! If you’re interested in learning more about this unique opportunity fill out the short form below.

Myth: 50% of marriages end in divorce.

Understandably, this commonly misstated statistic makes many couples fear marriage – not liking the odds nor wanting to be one of the one-out-of-every-two couples whose marriage doesn’t succeed. But it’s outdated by at least a decade! And in the U.S. we’ve seen a positive shift in the rate of successful marriages:

  • Today, about 60% of married couples are staying together and this number appears to be continuing to rise. (Divorce rate lessened to 40%)
  • For couples whose first marriage occurs after 25 years of age, 75% will not separate. (25% divorce rate – this is only slightly higher compared to couples who marry at ages 18-25, which show around a 48% divorce rate.)
  • Even given that some marriages do still end in divorce, the data also show that marriage is a significant factor in the couple’s ability to sustain their relationship. Over a 10-year period, 66% of married couples will stay in the relationship, where only 38% of couples cohabitating will make it through a decade together.
  • Most importantly, as Pastor Jimmy Evans of XO Marriage likes to say, “You have a 100% chance of success in marriage, when you do it God’s way.”

And that’s the most important statistic there is! A healthy, satisfying, joy-filled marriage is an option for you – for life! If you want to know more about how to achieve a healthy marriage, we invite you to join us at XO WEST TEXAS on November 5, 2022. It’s a one-day event for you and your significant other to learn all about what God has in store for your relationship. Register today

Are you and your significant ready to step into God’s plan for your lives? We have an opportunity for you to get married by Pastor Jimmy Evans in Amarillo, TX on November 5, 2022! If you’re interested in learning more about this unique opportunity fill out the short form below.

This one-day, live event, designed for you and your spouse to experience together, will help you grow and advance your marriage.



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